Truck Weights by Classification

Truck accident collisions can cause devastating damage to other vehicles on the road. Their size and weight play a significant role in the outcome and severity of an accident. Trucks that carry more than their weight classification allows can be a serious hazard to truck drivers and other motorists alike. If you’ve been hurt by […]

What is the FMCSA: Definition and History

Most drivers in Texas never fully recognize the impact of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) on their daily commutes.   However, this governmental organization plays a tremendous role in Texas’s thriving economy and roadway safety.   This agency is crucial in establishing standards that keep you safe and preventing trucking accidents in Texas.  Below, the […]

An 18-Wheeler Hit My Car – Now What?

Most things are just bigger in Texas. In addition to covering the most ground in the lower 48 and having the most miles of roadway, Texas leads the nation in the commercial trucking industry. With more commercial trucks on its roads, it is not surprising that Texas is also the leader in accidents involving commercial […]

The Most Common Types of Truck Accident Injuries

Common types of truck accident injuries include: Amputation Back injuries Broken bones Burn injuries Head injuries Internal injuries Lacerations Neck injuries Paralysis Spinal cord injuries Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) Truck Accident Statistics In 2020, 4,842 large trucks were involved in a fatal crash, a 33 percent increase since 2011. That translated into 4,965 deaths in […]