Type of Case: Negligent Security Summary: Client was patronizing local nightclub when a fight broke out and multiple people were shot and injured. Local nightclub and owners along with the landlord of the nightclub premises were sued. Case resolved for $285,000.
Type of Case: Wrongful Death Summary: Children of the deceased brought suit against several vehicles and a trucking company and its driver for the death of their father.
Type of Case: Work Injury Non-Subscriber Summary: Employee injured while on the job working for a national large retailer. Sustained disabling injuries to his knee. Employer denied the claim.
Summary: Lawsuit filed against a large retail pharmacy for injuries sustained as a result of a trip and fall over uneven carpet inside the pharmacy location. Client sustained injuries to her knees and back and underwent multiple surgeries.
Summary: Lawsuit was brought against large retailer for a slip and fall on liquid on the floor.
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Dealing with insurance companies and at-fault parties can be frustrating. Let the highly skilled Dallas Personal Injury Lawyers at Wolf Law, PLLC guide you through the process to obtain the results you want and deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. Hablamos Español.