What Is Highway Hypnosis? (Avoiding “White Line Fever”)

highway hypnosis

Highway hypnosis or “white line fever” is a condition that contributes to motor-vehicle accidents. It is preventable, and it is every driver’s obligation to avoid falling into highway hypnosis. Though no driver intentionally gives themselves over to this distracted state of mind, they must take proactive measures to prevent it from happening accidentally. Drivers have a legal obligation to all others sharing the roads to follow traffic laws, practice safe driving behaviors, and avoid risky ones.

Highway Hypnosis Explained

The Mayo Clinic defines hypnosis as “a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration.” This changed state may be helpful to those experiencing it in a medical office for a specific physical or mental-health-related reason. Yet, when a person falls under “highway hypnosis” while driving, the effect is anything but beneficial. Drivers experiencing white line fever enter a trance-like state while they drive, but the trance takes their focus and concentration off the road.

If you have ever entered your car, started it, and set out for a destination only to arrive at that location with no memory of the journey that took you there, you have experienced highway hypnosis.

Essentially, you “zoned out” while driving. Hopefully, you did not harm yourself or others during this zone-out period. Unfortunately, many drivers only realize they have fallen into highway hypnosis when jolted out of the state upon crashing into another vehicle, an obstacle in the road, or a pedestrian or cyclist.

When drivers are under highway hypnosis, they demonstrate driving automaticity. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), automaticity is “the quality of a behavior or mental process that can be carried out rapidly and without effort or explicit intention.” For drivers with white line fever, operating the vehicle becomes an automatic behavior performed through muscle memory, but without real thought.  Since driving a vehicle involves making sudden judgment calls and alert responses, this automaticity is extremely dangerous.

Causes of Highway Hypnosis

causes of hypnosisPeople sometimes equate highway hypnosis with driving while fatigued. While the effects of both conditions are similar, the conditions are different and have different causes. Drowsy driving results from sleep deprivation or driving long hours without taking appropriate rest breaks. Highway hypnosis can affect even well-rested vehicle operators whether they are taking short or long trips. It can affect them for a trip’s duration, or just a few yards–either way, there are potentially devastating outcomes.

Routine is a common cause of white line fever. When a driver takes the same routes frequently–perhaps to work, school, daycare center, or supermarket–they are quite susceptible to highway hypnosis. The drive is so familiar, they do not have to think about it, and so their brains focus on something else and muscle memory takes over.

Longer trips come with other specific risks. There is more time for the driver’s mind to wander. And long trips on well-moving highways can become monotonous. There is not much need for directional or speed changes, and drivers are lulled into a state of zoned-out complacency.

Other factors also contribute to highway hypnosis:

  • The constant flicker of white lane markings in the driver’s immediate view
  • Light glares that create reflections on the car’s hood or on wet roads
  • Droning engine noises
  • An audiobook read by someone with a soothing voice
  • The car’s movement and swaying
  • A very relaxed driving state or driving while stressed about other issues

Since there is often no way to avoid many of these factors, drivers must combat their effects through awareness.

Avoiding White Line Fever

The Texas Transportation Code details the State’s rules of the roads, outlining how vehicle operators have a legal obligation to avoid harming others. Under the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, the State allows eligible victims to hold drivers accountable for damages when the driver’s negligence causes the victim injury.  Drivers can, and have the responsibility to, protect themselves from white line fever, and there are effective strategies to help them avoid the hazard and keep the roads safe.

  • Maintain good posture while driving: Keep your head up and shoulders back. Making a conscious effort increases your alertness and overall awareness.
  • Take breaks on longer rides: Do not try to “power through” to cover more miles.
  • Assume you will zone out: Take proactive rests or breaks to avoid an occurrence.
  • Keep the windows open: Outside sounds and fresh air can keep the senses more alert.
  • Listen to energetic music: Upbeat music can work as a stimulant, while slower, more soothing sounds can lull you into highway hypnosis. Whatever your selection, do not allow music to consume your attention.
  • Drive while rested: Good rest prevents fatigued driving and increases mental acuity.
  • Use a device strategically: Set alarms for repeated intervals to refocus your attention.

You can also combat white line fever by switching up the routes you use for “usual” trips and sharing driving responsibilities on long trips.

Signs of Highway Hypnosis

If you are a passenger in a vehicle, knowing the signs of highway hypnosis can help you protect yourself and others.  Symptoms include:

  • Staring intently at the road, especially with the head tilted forward
  • Making a sudden head-jerking movements
  • Making driving errors
  • Driving with eyes partly closed or squinting or rolled back

Keep an eye on the driver, and if they demonstrate symptoms of white line fever, call them back to attention.

How Our Team Can Help You

When drivers succumb to highway hypnosis, they demonstrate negligence. If that negligence causes you injury, you likely have grounds to seek compensation for your losses. Our goal is to get you substantial compensation to recover your accident-related losses and restore justice.

Reach out to our Dallas car accident lawyers at Wolf Law PLLC immediately after your accident. Our team will review your case and, upon entering a legal partnership, investigate your accident to identify the negligent party and gather exhaustive evidence to hold them accountable. Contact us to arrange a free consultation today.